Hello there! Can I ask you what’s your favourite novel? – and why? Mine is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin. I love it because of the beautiful and inspiring story. I love the character of Lizzy who was a Woman ahead of her times in her way of thinking and...
Hi there! Spring 2024 is here. Another year, another new beginning. My friend Stephanie, from Chicago area and I created a new ebook called: 6 oils to heal a broken heart. The ebook is about using essential oils such as rose, bergamot, orange and more, to heal...
Hello! How are you? – I trust all is well in your life. We have calendar spring 2022 this week in our gardens. Spring reminds us of resilience – look at some of the spring flowers making their way through hard soil, snow and grass into the sun and fresh...
Angels are by your side all the time, especially when you are travelling. They will send you signs, intuitive feelings, insights to keep you safe on your journey. It is important that you pay attention to them. If you don’t pay attention, you may miss...
From all the Angels and Archangels, the most powerful and fearless helper is Archangel Michael. He appears with a sword, ready to fight evil. In St. Michael Cathedral, in Toronto, Ontario Canada, there is a big oil paining of Archangel Michael, with his sword,...
Archangel Uriel is one of my personal favorite Angels. He is the one who stands behind the scenes…making sure all is all right. When having an Angel session with my clients, I begin it by doing ‘coning’ making the place, space and intention clean...