Creating a wonderful 2025! ❤️

Creating a wonderful 2025! ❤️

We have a new year, 2025.  The excitement of the new beginning is still here within us.❤️ As we are making our plans for this year - we want 2025 to be truly special and amazing! For some of us, we want it to be different from the previous year or some few years...

Mimico library in Etobicoke Ontario Canada

Hello! how are you?  are you in the mood to create something inspiring on your computer, tablet? What is the book that you’re currently reading? Here I am, in the library.  One of my favourite libraries in the world - Mimico library in Etobicoke Ontario Canada.  It is...

Clarity and purpose

Clarity and purpose

Clarity and Purpose. Two important elements in life to feel sustainable happiness and contentment. Clarity Having clarity helps to know what is our next step in life. When we are confused, we are stuck.  We don’t move forward because we don’t know what’s our next...

what it takes to write a book?

what it takes to write a book?

Hi there it is March gloomy weather here close to the Atlantic ocean. I’m here working and in free time creating a book. What it takes to write a book? It takes inspiration, strong will, courage, and consistent work. With so many books out there, is this book needed?...

Vines of Affection

Vines of Affection

Hello there!  Can I ask you what’s your favourite novel? - and why? Mine is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin.  I love it because of the beautiful and inspiring story.  I love the character of Lizzy who was a Woman ahead of her times in her way of thinking and doing...

Spring 2024 is here!

Spring 2024 is here!

Hi there! Spring 2024 is here.  Another year, another new beginning.  My friend Stephanie, from Chicago area and I created a new ebook called: 6 oils to heal a broken heart.  The ebook is about using essential oils such as rose, bergamot, orange and more, to heal...

Spring & Peace

Spring & Peace

Hello!  How are you? - I trust all is well in your life. We have calendar spring 2022 this week in our gardens.  Spring reminds us of resilience - look at some of the spring flowers making their way through hard soil, snow and grass into the sun and fresh air.  Spring...


A warm hello to you in a cold February Day!  I trust wherever you're you are feeling safe, warm and cozy. Very soon, we will have St. Valentine's Day!  And depending on your romantic situation, you may anticipate its coming, be indifferent to it or fear it, fear to...

English Garden

The most pleasant and useful persons are those who leave some of the problems of the universe for God to worry about. ~ Don Marquis Here are the photos of an English garden in March, spring time.  For inspiration. p.s. An English Garden during spring. Book your own...

Roza Alicja

Hi. I'm Roza, welcome to my blog.
I hope you'll find inspiration here.

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